We advocate for alternatives to a carbon-centric economy that address the interests of marginalized communities.
The root causes of climate injustice are intricately linked with systems highlighted by other environmental, social, and economic justice movements, with whom we actively work in solidarity.
We Want System change, not
climate change!
Solidarity in Sounds: A Benefit Concert for the Anishnabe Moose Committee
July/August 2023
CJO is collaborating with the Anishnabe Moose Committee, Research for the Front Lines, and Biblioterre to host a fundraising benefit concert to raise funds and awareness about the declining moose population in Anishnabe territory in Western Quebec.
The benefit concert will take place on August 18th, 2023, at the SAW Gallery (67 Nicholas St.) in Ottawa.
The Issue
Since time immemorial, Anishnabe people have been the caretakers of the land in and around the La Verendrye Wildlife Park near Val D’or, Quebec, and developed complex traditional ecological knowledge about the needs of the land and its inhabitants. They specifically rely on moose for healthy food, clothing, and ceremony.
However, the community has, in the last 15 years, noticed a sharp decline in the moose population. Even the Quebec government’s own study shows that moose numbers in the Park have dropped by 35% in the last 12 years, and yet the government has failed to take adequate action to address it. In response to this shocking decline in a once stable population, Anishnabe communities in and around the Park came together to form the Anishnabe Moose Committee, and conducted the most in-depth study to date on the region’s moose population. The report pointed to sport hunting, logging, and climate change as the cause of the population collapse. In 2020, Anishnabe land defenders set up checkpoints throughout the Park to stop moose hunting and demand government action to protect the moose, resulting in a moratorium on moose hunting which expired at the end of 2022. Negotiations for the re-instatement of the moratorium are on-going.
The Event
We are hosting the Solidarity in Sounds Benefit Concert on August 18th, 2023 at the SAW Gallery (67 Nicholas St.) in Ottawa, Ontario to raise funds for the Anishnabe Moose Committee to support their ongoing grassroots efforts to protect moose populations in their territory. Doors open at 6pm. Tickets will be sold on a sliding scale from $15-$50. A $50 ticket includes a free silk-screened tote bag with art by Isaac Murdoch and Christie Belcourt.
Tickets can be purchased here.
Accessibility: Club SAW is wheelchair accessible, including two accessible bathrooms; seating will be available. Let us know of any other accessibility requests and we'll do our best to accommodate.
Click here to RSVP on Facebook.
Click here for venue information.
Click here to donate to the Anishnabe Moose Committee.
Musical lineup to be announced soon!

Ottawa Municipal Election 2022 - Climate Justice Platform
September/October 2022
This election, we have the chance to elect progressive candidates that will champion bold, ambitious, justice-driven climate solutions.
Climate Justice Ottawa has put together this platform to demonstrate what municipal policies that advance climate justice could look like. We have developed this platform alongside community groups and advocates, who have a firm understanding and expertise of the issues and local reality. We greatly appreciate the groups and individuals who have worked with us to develop this platform.
We encourage candidates and Ottawa residents who want to learn more about how to advance climate justice in this municipal election to: explore the platform and additional resources, support and learn more about the groups actively working on the platform issues, and reach out to us for more information. We look forward to fighting for a better city with you.
Click Here to Open the Platform!
We look forward to seeing you all at the polls on election day, October 24th, 2022
We encourage all candidates to endorse the platform by emailing us at
CJO Endorses Joel Harden as MPP for Ottawa Centre
June 2022
We are pleased to endorse Joel Harden as the Member of Provincial Parliament for Ottawa Centre. Although we see electoral politics as only one part of the route to achieving climate, social, and economic justice, we recognize the incredible work, proven track record, and strong principles of Joel Harden as a community organizer, champion of climate justice, and incumbent MPP for Ottawa Centre.
We value Joel’s contributions to the community. He organized residents to support the relief effort in response to the 2019 historic flood, brought Ottawa residents’ concerns about the LRT to Queen’s Park and successfully fought for a public inquiry, and stood alongside community members resisting the Freedom Convoy’s occupation of Centretown in 2022. He stood alongside us in the street in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en and in the legislature calling out the colonial violence from the BC NDP and the silence from the federal NDP. Through these and other initiatives, Joel’s firm principles and commitment to the community shine through.
We believe that fighting the climate crisis must also uphold economic, social, and racial justice and center the most impacted communities. Joel Harden understands the root causes of these issues, and has been a strong voice for justice in Ottawa Centre. We gladly endorse Joel as the MPP for Ottawa Centre, and look forward to the community and more just future we will continue to build together.
Our endorsement does not mean a full endorsement of the Ontario NDP and its climate plan. We believe all parties at the provincial level must do more to tackle the climate crisis at the scale and with the urgency that science and justice demands.

CJO Statement on the 'Freedom Convoy'
January/February 2021
As we write this, we are on Day 21 of a far-right occupation of our city’s downtown, situated on unceded and unsurrendered Algonquin Anishnaabe territory.
That’s 21 days of neighbors and community members being harassed. 21 days of people being afraid to go get groceries and run errands. 21 days of honking. 21 days of businesses closing for the safety of their staff. 21 days of inaction by every level of government to deal with a situation they knew was coming. 21 days of noxious fumes poisoning the air downtown. 21 days of visible hypocrisy in policing standards when dealing with white supremacists versus Indigenous land defenders.
Climate Justice Ottawa unequivocally denounces the Freedom Convoy and anyone who supports this racist, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, anti-vaccine, white supremacist movement.
While we have of course been frustrated with the way our governments have handled the pandemic, we recognize that the solution isn’t in terrorizing neighborhoods and emboldening the dangerous far-right. We know that with paid sick days, living and guaranteed wages, adequate and safe housing, and other robust social policies we can overcome the shortcomings that have been on display throughout Covid-19.
These past 21 days have also shown us that when every level of government fails to keep us safe, including the police - who we know only exacerbate conflict - it is us and our communities who keep us safe. The collective action taken during the weekend of February 12th and 13th demonstrated what solidarity and love in action look like and help illustrate alternatives to community safety and protection that don’t rely on racist policing.
21 days of fascist occupation is 21 days too many, and we stand in solidarity with other local groups fighting the far-right and the unacceptable actions that have been allowed to take place.

Feb. 12th - Community Solidarity Rally and March (📸 : Sarah Marquis)

Original art by Shepard Fairey and Ernesto Yerena adapted by @dylan__penner
Material Donation for Odinewin camp
November/December 2021
Anishnabe Odinewin is a land-based language & culture camp that brings together Anishnabe children, youth, families, and educators to bring Anishnabe language, culture, teachings, and ceremony to their full restoration. Anishnabe Odinewin is an autonomous Indigenous initiative that works without institutional funding. Your donations & support can help restore the Anishnabe language & culture. Climate Justice Ottawa will also be gathering materials in Spring 2022 to support Odinewin camp with their winter lodge. More information about Odinewin camp is available at
Find more information and donate if you can at this link.
How To Win the City - Horizon Ottawa Event
October 24th, 2021
Together with Horizon Ottawa, we kicked off the 2022 Municipal Election season, one year out from Ottawa’s Election Day. It was the perfect day to reimagine what Ottawa can be if we work together as a progressive community to change up local government. Huge thanks to @horizonottawa for convening this community event in Minto Park. We’re definitely feeling inspired to get to work to make Ottawa the inclusive, equitable, and sustainable city we know it can be.


Labour Justice is Climate Justice
Solidarity Statement, Jan. 15 2020
Climate Justice Ottawa stands in solidarity with CUPE education workers and the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation. The fight for climate justice aims to safeguard the environment, health, and survival of future generations. The fight for strong public education endeavors to ensure the opportunity for future generations to thrive. We unite in struggles grounded in calls for justice that include good jobs and fair wages.
There are few individuals as close to the youth leading the climate movement as teachers. They not only teach skills of resilience, problem-solving, and perseverance necessary in the transition towards a sustainable future, but they inspire the virtues of empathy and compassion among the global citizens of tomorrow. We trust teachers, the front line workers of our education system, to lead education along a more just and equitable path, and we stand with them as they negotiate with a government that is failing to invest in our collective futures.
All Eyes on Wet'suwet'en
Solidarity Action Press Release, Jan. 10 2020
200 people in Ottawa walked out of class and work to stand in solidarity with Wet’suwet’en Nation and against colonial violence.
“Wet’suwet’en people have been the rightful title holders, stewards, and protectors of their traditional territories for thousands of years. Now, the Canadian and BC governments are disrespecting Anuk’nu’at’en (Wet’suwet’en law) to push through another extractive project that threatens their people, culture, and land,” says Sophia Sidarous, indigenous activist and organizer of the action.
The action occurred a year after the RCMP violently raided the territory. A recent Guardian report revealed that the RCMP was instructed to “use as much violence as you [sic] want” and exercise “lethal overwatch” in the process.
“The Canadian and BC provincial governments have been touting reconciliation in their words, while deploying violent, “lethal” force on behalf of Coastal Gas Link. The colonial government must end the genocide and violence against Indigenous Peoples immediately,” says Mia Beijer, youth climate activist and organizer of the action.
The rally was one of 40 solidarity actions across the country, as Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities vow to uphold Indigenous sovereignty and stop resource extraction projects that threaten the lives of current and future generations.
The action was jointly organized by Future Rising Ottawa, Climate Justice Ottawa, and Extinction Rebellion Ottawa.
For more information and coverage, see APTN News.